The general management of the activities of Tau-Ken Altyn LLP is entrusted to the Supervisory Board, consisting of at least 3 (three) members, elected by the decision of the Sole Participant for a period of not more than 5 years.
Currently, members of the Supervisory Board of Tau-Ken Altyn LLP are:
1. Malgazhdarov Azamat Nurtazaevich – Chairman of the Supervisory Board of Tau-Ken Altyn LLP, Chief Production Director – Member of the Management Board of Tau-Ken Samruk NMC JSC; 2. Abdugaliev Auezkhan Zhakupovich – is a member of the Supervisory Board of Tau—Ken Altyn LLP, Head of the Mining Assets Sector of the Department of Energy and Mining Assets of Samruk-Kazyna JSC. 3. Bolatov Bekzhan Ardakuly – is a member of the Supervisory Board of Tau—Ken Altyn LLP, a leading manager of the project Department of Samruk-Kazyna JSC.
4. Alpishcheva Aidana Zhasulanovna – Member of the Supervisory Board of Tau-Ken Altyn LLP, Director of the Department — Chief Accountant of Tau-Ken Samruk NMC JSC;
5. Dana Sakhabadinovna Kopeeva – Member of the Supervisory Board of Tau-Ken Altyn LLP, Head of the Strategy and Corporate Governance Department of Tau-Ken Samruk NMC JSC.
Сhief Financial Оfficer
Business Support Director